Monday, December 17, 2012

Breaking Down the Injury of a Rookie Phenom

RGIII's Injury

For those who follow the NFL, there have been some very exciting performances by a few rookies this year. Arguably, the most exciting play has been from Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III, also known as RGIII. This past weekend in a win over the Baltimore Ravens, RGIII sustained a Grade 1 lateral collateral ligament (LCL) sprain of his right knee. Here is some information on what this type of injury entails.

Lateral Colateral Ligament (LCL)

Let's start with the ligament in question. The LCL is the ligament on the lateral, or outer portion of the knee joint. This ligament attaches the femur, which makes up the thigh, to the fibula which is a bone in the lateral portion of the lower leg. This ligament is responsible for providing stability to the lateral portion of the knee joints. Typically, the mechanism of injury to this ligament involves an external force suddenly being applied to the medial knee joint. This inside to outside trauma causes the ligament to be damaged at varying severities. In the case of RGIII, he sustained a Grade 1 sprain which is defined as stretching and micro tearing of the ligamentous structure.

Good News

The good news for Redskins fans everywhere is that this injury is not severe and RGIII may be suiting up for this weekend’s game. Recovery time for a Grade 1 LCL sprain can vary from 3 weeks to 3 months. However, with good quality conservative treatment such as chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, Graston Technique and other therapeutic modalities, Valley Chiropractic can help get you back in the game too!

If you have more questions about breaking down the injury of a rookie phenom, contact us at 301-624-0024 or sign-up at for a free consultation!

Valley Chiropractic maintains an active presence on many popular search and social media websites. Select your favorite website below to stay connected or review us.

4 S. McCain Dr., #8 

Frederick, MD 21703



Saturday, December 15, 2012

Are Commercial Sports Drinks Toxic?

Recently a popular sports drink and its maker have been making national news for a food additive that may cause serious health side effects. This food additive, called brominated vegetable oil, sounds innocent enough and would often be overlooked by anyone reading the nutritional label on this drink. However, with a little research, one can see that this ingredient is not without controversy, not just in the U.S., but worldwide.

Brominated Vegetable Oil

Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) is used in citrus flavored soft drinks and sports drinks. What it does is helps the natural citrus flavors stay suspended in the drink itself. If it were not added, there would be distinct layers created within the drink from the fat-soluble citrus flavors. So why is BVO so controversial? It has to do with the bromine contents of the additive. Bromine is a substance found in flame retardants that are used in upholstered furniture, clothing, and electronics. Brominated substances are bioaccumulative, meaning that they continue to build up within our bodies as they are ingested including being found in breast milk. Serious side effects include neurological and thyroid impairments.

BVO Banned

BVO is banned in many major countries including European nations, Japan, and India. However, it is approved for use in the U.S. and has been added to soft drinks for years. In 1970, the FDA took brominated vegetable oil off its list of it list of substances that are “generally recognized as safe.” During the 70’s some additional testing was done with mixed results. In 1977, the FDA made a temporary decision to allow BVO to be used in soft drinks but in low dosages. However, all these years later, BVO remains legal to use as an additive.

The use of sports drinks and soft drinks are of a concern for a variety of reasons including BVO. As a chiropractor and a believer in natural forms of healthcare, it is best to stick to natural foods and drinks throughout the day. Chemicals and additives in food products and processed foods have the potential to create numerous negative health effects and consequences. If you would like more information on healthy eating, feel free to talk to Dr. Kmett today! 

If you have more questions about commercial sports drinks, contact us at 301-624-0024 or sign-up at for a free consultation!

Valley Chiropractic maintains an active presence on many popular search and social media websites. Select your favorite website below to stay connected or review us.

4 S. McCain Dr., #8 

Frederick, MD 21703



Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Highly Sought After UFC Competition

RecoveryDoc athlete Mike Easton and his contender Raphael Assuncao
The competition will be held, Saturday, December 8th. Dr. Rick Rosa of Accessible Beltway Clinics has worked with professional fighter Mike Easton over the years.

Mike Easton UFC
All of the details about the fight and the players can be viewed on the UFC's website --->
Dr. Rosa, a revolutionary leader in the field of sports chiropractic therapy,  has utilized his famed 6 Pillars of Recovery Program, with professional athlete Mike Easton over the years.

Watch Video of MMA Pro Mike Easton

Mike Easton lifts weight and talks about his recovery which was shortened by 50% of the estimated time after treatment by RecoveryDoc.


Dr. Rosa, a graduate of New York Chiropractic College, has devoted countless years to the study and integration of chiropractic medicine for recovery and sports. He consistently demonstrates his passion for the advancement of chiropractic medicine through continuous efforts in the education and training of both the chiropractic and athletic community on the essentials of chiropractic therapy and recovery.Video of MMA Pro Mike Easton as he lifts weight and talks about his recovery which was shortened by 50% of the estimated time after treatment by RecoveryDoc.

Dr. Rosa, the founder of RecoveryDoc, works with professional athletes— enabling them to train harder and recovery faster. He ensures athletes not only recover, but are able to perform better and train harder in preparation for the field.

RecoveryDoc’s Six Pillars of Recovery cover all aspects of recovery for injuries and training. The Six Pillars include; awareness of state, rest, play, nutrition, physical and psychological – ensuring professional athletes, recover faster and train harder.

The role of sports chiropractic care has greatly evolved over the past 20 years and Dr. Rosa plays an active role in the continual advancement.

Watch RecoveryDoc Athlete Mike Easton, Saturday, December 8th on Fox!

This is an event you don’t want to miss!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Phase 4: Wellness / Maintenance Care

Regularization of your Chiropractic Care..

Now that you have completed your active care treatment program, it is essential that you continue with periodic chiropractic care.  This phase of treatment will normally consist of only a chiropractic adjustment, and if necessary, a modality to deal with common muscle issues.  The frequency of treatment at this point can range from one visit every 2-3 weeks to one visit every other month.  This phase is used to maintain the level of health that was achieved through the active treatment program.

Additional health benefits of regular chiropractic care on your body..

Regular chiropractic care has many other additional health benefits as well including relieving symptoms from a cold, better athletic performance, and living a happier, healthier lifestyle.  For additional information on what chiropractic can do for you or someone you know, feel free to ask Dr. Kmett during one of your visits.

If you have more questions about Wellness or Maintenance Care, contact us at 301-624-0024 or sign-up at for a free consultation!

Valley Chiropractic maintains an active presence on many popular search and social media websites. Select your favorite website below to stay connected or review us.

4 S. McCain Dr., #8 

Frederick, MD 21703



Phase 3: Rehabilitative Care

Integrative strengthening exercises to regain your previous level of fitness.

With your health and wellness stabilizing, now is the time to enter the active, rehabilitative phase of care.  During this phase, your care will begin to consist of integrating strengthening exercises in order to obtain, not only your previous level of health and fitness, but to surpass that level in order to prevent future injuries or exacerbations.  This phase will continue to use chiropractic adjustments, myofascial release, PIR stretching, and various resistance exercises.  By this phase, you should be able to have just about returned to all activities of daily living as well as begin enjoying your recreational endeavors as well.

Why is this phase significant to your body? 

This phase is also important so that your body does not regress, or slip, back into a period of flare-ups and soreness.  At the end of this phase, you will be finished with your active treatment plan.  But in order to stay at your new, current level of health without increasing your chances of re-injury, it is very important to continue on to the next phase of care.  Visit frequency continues to decrease during this phase at the discretion of the doctor and your rate of recovery.

If you have more questions about Rehabilitative, contact us at 301-624-0024 or sign-up at for a free consultation!

Valley Chiropractic maintains an active presence on many popular search and social media websites. Select your favorite website below to stay connected or review us.

4 S. McCain Dr., #8 

Frederick, MD 21703



Phase 2: Subacute / Corrective Care

This new phase has now become one of the most important during your recovery process.  

At the beginning of this phase, you probably have noticed that your pain has been easing or may have stopped all together.  This new phase has now become one of the most important during your recovery process.  The patient will typically begin to resume some normal, everyday activities at this point.  However, some patients may experience exacerbations or flare-ups of their pain during this phase.  The reason this takes place is that your condition has not been fully rehabilitated at this point.  When initially having an injury, our musculoskeletal system tends to lose its strength and endurance pertaining to our muscles, ligaments, and posture.  This in turn prevents you from being as active as you were before your initial onset of symptoms. 

Treatment during this phase will begin to transition from a passive form to a more active form.

Chiropractic adjustments, inhibition of overactive muscles, light stretching, and stabilizing exercises will begin to be incorporated into your treatment program as well.  Heat therapies will now begin to supplant cold in the recovery process as well.  During this phase of care, you will slowly begin to integrate certain daily activities into your routine again such as short walks, washing the dishes, etc.  If pain or soreness begins again, return to the icing protocol that was provided for you for a few days before returning to heat.  Frequency of treatments will continue to be several times per week, but will be less frequent than when you were in the acute phase.  

Keep in mind that during this phase, our care will begin to stabilize your injury to prepare you for the next phase of care that will involve strengthening and preparing your body for a full, healthy recovery.

If you have more questions about Subacute or Corrective Care, contact us at 301-624-0024 or sign-up at for a free consultation!

Valley Chiropractic maintains an active presence on many popular search and social media websites. Select your favorite website below to stay connected or review us.

4 S. McCain Dr., #8 

Frederick, MD 21703

